I have started weaving in 2014 on this "baby wolf" floor loom. Actually I had done some weaving in Jr. High when I was 12 yr old.
One has to string the yarn up in lengths on a warping board,
This is how I count the number of warps wound around the warp board.
This is how I tie warps together before removing from the warp board.
Warping the loom Back to Front
Feed the yarn through islets called heddles.
I made a clamp to hold the frames containing the islet heddles up so it is easier to thread them.
I have a diagram of which heddles each yarn goes though. I slide a piece of paper as I thread like the old fashion slide rule (showing my age there).
Two Easy ways to find the correct thread warp to put through the reed.
METHOD 1 for sequence heddles 1-4 or 1-8 in sequence.
METHOD 2 for random pattern of heddles
Then I use an app on my ipad called IWeaveIt to tell me which treddle to push and which yarn (called Weft) to weave across.
IWeaveIt demo on Ipad app for weaving on a loom
then through the reed and then hook up peddles (calld treddles) below called treddles that raise shafts with different yarn in them.
Cardboard is wrapped around yarn and cloth to keep it smooth and flat.
Also if you want to keep cardboard role off the ground or peddles, wrap them around lead sticks bungied to loom:
If you want to move some heddles from one shaft frame to another without them becoming tangled, here is how I do it.
Examples of some of my weaving:
Won State Fair of Texas second place with this weaving.
Overshot weaving
Knots tying
Using forcep and clip to tie an extra heddle on your loom
How to weave a pattern with supplementary Warp and Weft on a floor loom.
Double weaving double layer waffle pattern with three colors
Deflected Double Weave
Weaving in Mythology and Literature
Color and Weave by Katie Gosko
Weaving and clothing in Iceland and contribution of Vikings.
harvesting silk and weaving carpets in Turkey